Why is on-going supervision important?
ELSAs have received specific, enhanced training to develop their capacity to meet the social and emotional needs of children and young people. Supporting vulnerable children and young people requires enormous skill, knowledge and emotional resilience. For this reason, supervision forms an integral part of ‘containing the container.’
Experience has shown that without on-going supervision, ELSA support can morph into something quite different and, therefore, dilute its effectiveness.
What is supervision?
The purpose of supervision is to provide a safe and confidential space for staff to reflect on and discuss their work and their personal and professional responses to their work. The focus is on supporting staff in their personal and professional development and in reflecting on their practice.
What are the benefits? These supportive sessions will help ELSAs:
- Develop their resilience and sense of wellbeing
- Keep working practices safe
- Keep ELSAs aware of key initiatives and research
- Develop their problem-solving and solution finding skills
- Increase their feelings of competenceReduce their stress; avoiding ‘burnout’
NOTE: If you are a practising ELSA, accessing supervision is integral and essential to your continuing professional development and role as an ELSA. Guidance from the ELSA Network states that ELSAs should access on-going supervision from qualified Educational Psychologists in order to continue to be able to offer ELSA support in their settings. ELSAs who do not access supervision will be at risk of being de-registered.
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