
Supervision and Coaching Sessions


These supervision and coaching sessions provide a supportive, reflective and confidential space where we can try to understand the experiences of staff; listen to their concerns; and ask questions to support reflection, action-planning and wellbeing.


What are coaching and supervision sessions?

At this time, in this current context, it is imperative that schools support staff wellbeing for many reasons: to promote resilience; avoid staff ‘burnout’; reduce the possibility of ‘vicarious trauma’; increase wellbeing, etc… These supervision and coaching sessions provide a supportive, reflective and confidential space where we can try to understand the experiences of staff; listen to their concerns; and ask questions to support reflection, action-planning and wellbeing.

 What is coaching?

Coaching is a bespoke, individualised approach that can be very helpful in developing staff wellbeing and performance. A positive, evidence-informed response, coaching is a structured, collaborative, future-focussed and goal-orientated conversation that supports problem-solving and solution finding.

What is supervision?

The purpose of supervision is to provide a safe and confidential space for staff to reflect on and discuss their work and their personal and professional responses to their work. The focus is on supporting staff in their personal and professional development and in reflecting on their practice.

 What are the benefits?

Whether it be using a coaching or supervision approach, these supportive sessions will help staff:

  • Develop their resilience and sense of wellbeing;
  • Feel valued, understood and accepted.
  • Develop their problem-solving and solution finding skills.
  • Increase their feelings of competence.
  • Reduce their stress; avoiding ‘burnout.’

These sessions will be facilitated by an Educational Psychologist who has undertaken additional training in coaching and/or supervision practice. Two of our Educational Psychologists are on the Register for Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors (RAPPS –, having undertaken advanced supervision training.

Who are the sessions for?

These sessions are open and accessible to all staff. We have undertaken coaching and supervision sessions with teaching assistants; pastoral leads; NQTs; experienced teachers; senior teachers and head teachers.

Note – there is NO cost for schools who already commission our service – contact us directly.

Additional information


1 hour for individuals and 1.5 hours groups (up to 8 max)


You can purchase blocks of 3 hours


Virtual via Zoom


£225 per 3 hour block. Note – there is NO cost for schools who already commission our service – contact us directly


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